Preparing For Your Exam


Your HDI diagnostic imaging procedure may have specific preparation requirements to follow prior to your scheduled appointment. An exam may require abstinence from solid foods or certain beverages or instruct you to drink water for a period of time before your exam. Your pre- and post-exam protocol will be determined by a number of factors like whether a contrast agent will be used for your study, if you’re on medications, have a certain health conditions, allergies or surgical implants. We’ll make sure that you are well prepared and informed prior to your appointment for best imaging results.

Learn About Your Exam and How to Prepare:

Patient Registration and Consent Forms

You’ll be instructed to fill out and complete certain patient registration and consent forms required for your exam. You can download patient forms and bring them with you to your appointment to help expedite your check-in process.

For questions about preparing for your appointment, use our online contact form or call us at 775.621.5800.